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Journal Article
Richards S, Liu Y, Bettencourt BR, Hradecky P, Letovsky S, Nielsen R, Thornton K, Hubisz MJ, Chen R, Meisel RP, Couronne O, Hua S, Smith MA, Zhang P, Liu J, Bussemaker HJ, van Batenburg MF, Howells SL, Scherer SE, Sodergren E, Matthews BB, Crosby MA, Schroeder AJ, Ortiz-Barrientos D, Rives CM, Metzker ML, Muzny DM, Scott G, Steffen D, Wheeler DA, Worley KC, Havlak P, K Durbin J, Egan A, Gill R, Hume J, Morgan MB, Miner G, Hamilton C, Huang Y, Waldron L, Verduzco D, Clerc-Blankenburg KP, Dubchak I, Noor MAF, Anderson W, White KP, Clark AG, Schaeffer SW, Gelbart W, Weinstock GM, Gibbs RA. Comparative genome sequencing of Drosophila pseudoobscura: chromosomal, gene, and cis-element evolution. Genome Res. 2005 ;15(1):1-18.
Jin M, Eblimit A, Pulikkathara M, Corr S, Chen R, Mardon G. Conditional knockout of retinal determination genes in differentiating cells in Drosophila. FEBS J. 2016 ;283(15):2754-66.
Pappu KS, Ostrin EJ, Middlebrooks BW, Sili BTavsanli, Chen R, Atkins MR, Gibbs RA, Mardon G. Dual regulation and redundant function of two eye-specific enhancers of the Drosophila retinal determination gene dachshund. Development. 2005 ;132(12):2895-905.
Ostrin EJ, Li Y, Hoffman K, Liu J, Wang K, Zhang L, Mardon G, Chen R. Genome-wide identification of direct targets of the Drosophila retinal determination protein Eyeless. Genome Res. 2006 ;16(4):466-76.
Chen R, Mardon G. Keeping an eye on the fly genome. Dev Biol. 2005 ;282(2):285-93.
Jusiak B, Abulimiti A, Haelterman N, Chen R, Mardon G. MAPK target sites of eyes absent are not required for eye development or survival in Drosophila. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(12):e50776.
Kmoch S, Majewski J, Ramamurthy V, Cao S, Fahiminiya S, Ren H, MacDonald IM, Lopez I, Sun V, Keser V, Khan A, Stránecký V, Hartmannová H, Přistoupilová A, Hodaňová K, Piherová L, Kuchař L, Baxová A, Chen R, Barsottini OGP, Pyle A, Griffin H, Splitt M, Sallum J, Tolmie JL, Sampson JR, Chinnery P, Banin E, Sharon D, Dutta S, Grebler R, Helfrich-Foerster C, Pedroso JL, Kretzschmar D, Cayouette M, Koenekoop RK. Mutations in PNPLA6 are linked to photoreceptor degeneration and various forms of childhood blindness. Nat Commun. 2015 ;6:5614.
Zhou Q, Zhang T, Jemc JC, Chen Y, Chen R, Rebay I, Pignoni F. Onset of atonal expression in Drosophila retinal progenitors involves redundant and synergistic contributions of Ey/Pax6 and So binding sites within two distant enhancers. Dev Biol. 2014 ;386(1):152-64.
Raja KKumar Boll, Yeung K, Shim Y-K, Li Y, Chen R, Mardon G. A single cell genomics atlas of the Drosophila larval eye reveals distinct photoreceptor developmental timelines. Nat Commun. 2023 ;14(1):7205.
Yeung K, Raja KKumar Boll, Shim Y-K, Li Y, Chen R, Mardon G. Single cell RNA sequencing of the adult Drosophila eye reveals distinct clusters and novel marker genes for all major cell types. Commun Biol. 2022 ;5(1):1370.