Alu Insertion Polymorphisms as Evidence for Population Structure in Baboons.

TitleAlu Insertion Polymorphisms as Evidence for Population Structure in Baboons.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSteely, CJ, Walker, JA, Jordan, VE, Beckstrom, TO, McDaniel, CL, St Romain, CP, Bennett, EC, Robichaux, A, Clement, BN, Raveendran, M, Worley, KC, Phillips-Conroy, J, Jolly, CJ, Rogers, J, Konkel, MK, Batzer, MA
Corporate AuthorsBaboon Genome Analysis Consortium
JournalGenome Biol Evol
Date Published2017 Sep 01
KeywordsAlu Elements, Animals, Evolution, Molecular, Female, Genome, Male, Papio, Phylogeny, Polymorphism, Genetic

Male dispersal from the natal group at or near maturity is a feature of most baboon (Papio) species. It potentially has profound effects upon population structure and evolutionary processes, but dispersal, especially for unusually long distances, is not readily documented by direct field observation. In this pilot study, we investigate the possibility of retrieving baboon population structure in yellow (Papio cynocephalus) and kinda (Papio kindae) baboons from the distribution of variation in a genome-wide set of 494 Alu insertion polymorphisms, made available via the recently completed Baboon Genome Analysis Consortium. Alu insertion variation in a mixed population derived from yellow and olive (Papio anubis) baboons identified each individual's proportion of heritage from either parental species. In an unmixed yellow baboon population, our analysis showed greater similarity between neighboring than between more distantly situated groups, suggesting structuring of the population by male dispersal distance. Finally (and very provisionally), an unexpectedly sharp difference in Alu insertion frequencies between members of neighboring social groups of kinda baboons suggests that intergroup migration may be more rare than predicted in this little known species.

Alternate JournalGenome Biol Evol
PubMed ID28957465
PubMed Central IDPMC5622324
Grant ListP20 GM103424 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
R01 GM059290 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
T35 OD011151 / OD / NIH HHS / United States

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