Germline structural variation globally impacts the cancer transcriptome including disease-relevant genes.

TitleGermline structural variation globally impacts the cancer transcriptome including disease-relevant genes.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsChen, F, Zhang, Y, Sedlazeck, FJ, Creighton, CJ
JournalCell Rep Med
Date Published2024 Mar 19
KeywordsGerm Cells, Humans, Neoplasms, RNA, Transcriptome

Germline variation and somatic alterations contribute to the molecular profile of cancers. We combine RNA with whole genome sequencing across 1,218 cancer patients to determine the extent germline structural variants (SVs) impact expression of nearby genes. For hundreds of genes, recurrent and common germline SV breakpoints within 100 kb associate with increased or decreased expression in tumors spanning various tissues of origin. A significant fraction of germline SV expression associations involves duplication of intergenic enhancers or 3' UTR disruption. Genes altered by both somatic and germline SVs include ATRX and CEBPA. Genes essential in cancer cell lines include BARD1 and IRS2. Genes with both expression and germline SV breakpoint patterns associated with patient survival include GCLM. Our results capture a class of phenotypic variation at work in the disease setting, including genes with cancer roles. Specific germline SVs represent potential cancer risk variants for genetic testing, including those involving genes with targeting implications.

Alternate JournalCell Rep Med
PubMed ID38442712
PubMed Central IDPMC10983041

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